
October 2017

My Journey to Israel and Coaching in the World Cup

If you say yes to every opportunity that presents itself, then you might just find yourself traveling the world, following a career path that allows you to continue a lifelong

From Hockey Mom to Lacrosse Mom

I didn’t know it when it happened, but I was born a hockey mom. I played basketball in college and always thought I’d be a basketball mom, but I didn’t

“What does lacrosse mean to you?”

Lacrosse has been and continues to be, such an imperative part of my life. I have been fortunate enough to have been part of some of the greatest teams and

A Woman’s Passion to Win: From Lacrosse to Executive Leadership

Jeannette Bankes, a Minnesota based female medical device executive was named by Working Mother as 2017 Mother of the Year. She contributes her drive and passion to succeed in life