

Shipping up to Boston

This wasn’t our first year going to Boston for the NCAA championships. When my boyfriend proposed it late in the winter of 16/17, I thought he was joking. We were

Journey to Italy; A Love for the Game

“Are you here for business or for pleasure?” Thats always been a hard question to answer at the customs line. I mean, technically I’m staying with my family in Cusano (a

A Woman’s Passion to Win: From Lacrosse to Executive Leadership

Jeannette Bankes, a Minnesota based female medical device executive was named by Working Mother as 2017 Mother of the Year. She contributes her drive and passion to succeed in life

Why Kilts?

Not so long ago, women used to play lacrosse in kilts. Not the elastic, moisture wicking, athletic material “kilts” you see as part of uniforms these days, but plaid, pleated,